Dress and Textile News

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  • Making Historical Dress Festival
    A two day event of presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on workshops 13th and 14th September 2024 at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Online participation also possible. For details, see https://makinghistoricaldress.dmu.ac.uk/Festival.html
  • On the Edge: Textile and Garment Edges, Borders and Trimmings
    Early Textile Study Group Conference 2024 at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, and online 21-22 September 2024 Preliminary Programme, Conference venue information, and Friday excursion information here Please Book through Eventbrite

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    Questions and Requests for Assistance

    • Request for help – Carmelite Friars
      Medats has received a request for help from Paul Chandler in Australia. Can anyone help with this question? Relies to newsletter@medats.org.uk will be forwarded. It’s well known that the Carmelite Friars exchanged their controversial striped cloak in 1287 for a more demure and “appropriate” white one. Pastoureau made (perhaps too) much of this in The… Read more: Request for help – Carmelite Friars