Mendlesham Armoury Facelift Project

Mendlesham Armoury, on the small upper floor of the north porch of the church of St Mary the Virgin in mid-Suffolk, is the only one remaining in any English parish church with its original parish collection of arms and armour. They have been stored in the same place since a law of Queen Mary Tudor compelled parishes to provide arms, armour and trained men to defend England against invasion, such as the later Spanish Armada in Elizabeth I’s reign.

Containing a motley collection of arms and armour dating from the mid C16th, the armoury appears to have been maintained until shortly after the English Civil War. Outdated and no longer required, its contents silently rusted away for the next 250 years until rediscovered by the curate and the schoolmaster at the beginning of the C20th. They alerted members of the prestigious Meyrick Society and it was restored and displayed in 1909 due to their expertise and generosity. For the next 111 years the armoury was opened to the public by appointment and on advertised days, but as it is a relatively small, enclosed space, Covid restrictions in 2020 brought visits to an abrupt halt.

The Armoury Facelift Project has been initiated by St Mary’s PCC for better conservation, interpretation & display of this unique heritage so it can be passed onto future generations in the best condition. Some armour is currently hooked to the wall on pieces of bent wire! Plans include a comprehensive catalogue, bespoke mannequins/stands, museum-quality interpretations and audio-visual displays set in the body of the church for the benefit of people unable to climb the narrow winding stairway to the armoury. Although detailed costings have yet to be calculated, it is likely that it will cost well over £100,000.

Three leading armour specialists are advising and guiding the PCC – Dr Tobias (Toby) Capwell, until recently Armourer of the Wallace Collection, David Edge, his predecessor and also Head of Conservation and Simon Metcalf, the King’s Armourer, responsible for the private Royal Arms and Armour collections.

A lecture to raise funds for the project will take place online on 11 October 2024, or you can donate now by bank transfer to St Mary’s Mendlesham or to MEDATS PayPal account (which will transfer all donations to the Mendlesham Armoury Facelift Project):

Bank: CAF Bank ​(Charities Aid Foundation)
Account Name: Mendlesham PCC
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account No: 00021465
Reference: Armoury