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An online talk with Carol James on Saturday, 9 March, 2024 at 4:00 GMT
Paintings from the late 1400s and Early 1500s by artists in Southern Europe including Bellagamba, Cranach, Riemenschneider, Dürer, Holbein, and Carpaccio feature individuals wearing vertically striped leggings. How could these garments have been made? Inspired by the work of Dagmar Drinkler, Carol James has been exploring the sprang technique as a possible method to create striped leggings. This presentation outlines her recreation work using sprang, including sketches of plans, photos of work in progress, challenges and successes.
Carol James has been playing with strings for a long time. Having learned to crochet and embroider at a young age, by the 1980s she was teaching fingerwoven braid techniques widely. She was introduced to sprang in the 1990s and is now a world-recognized teacher of the technique and author of Sprang Unsprung an Illustrated Guide to Interlinking, Interlacing and Intertwining. She weaves new adventures with past ones on her blog,